Saturday 13 February 2016

Kansas City

Okay, so here's a quick update of the past little story I have been unfolding. I'm sitting in Kansas City. All I know about this place is there was a song at the end of a movie that I think a famous black actor with a recognizable voice was in called the Kansas City Shuffle. I don't get it yet. There are parts of the city that look like a bomb destroyed everything living and a few beings survived that can create energy from nuclear waste and plastic bags. Then you go downtown, and people are alive, vibrant, moving around; there is still some life here.

Okay so about the past. I was reinstated in a mental institution again; I've got to stop doing that. I spent 5 days so they could make sure that I was mentally fit after what I can describe as some sort of epileptic fit and drooling, and what the hospital describes as "maybe he needs a turkey sandwich and 5 days in a psych ward.". (I'm going to make that a rule now, period goes before and after the comma. Here are some other shapes I can make with those combinations: ..". .".. .".".). I really was fine, but I made a stupid comment whilst in my fit. Really guys, I'm fine. That was in Chester, a suburbia of Philly.

Before that, I made my great escape from Montreal, wooshed through New York and made the great escape onto and then off of Statten Island.

Let's switch up to my very loose travel plans: Sao Paulo, but first, Xilitla. I'm waiting for a couch surfing response, which works for me some of the time, or building up the steam start walking with briefcase and suitcase on the highway waiting for some kind/bored soul to pick me up. Also I have a blister on my right heel, but I have managed to hack my way out of the pain by wearing my running shoes like slippers. My shoes are colored like a construction worker.

There are some thoughts for you all to decode.

Best of luck to all, and know it can always be found in adventure.

ps. Anyone looking for adventure, let me know. You know my general direction.

Sunday 20 September 2015

An Evening Crunch

I have been sticking to the bulletproof diet. Well sort of. This diet takes into consideration the sources of your food, removes foods we are highly sensitive to (did you think tomatoes were really healthy?), and destroys the old world view that fat is unhealthy. The view that fat makes you fat.

We NEED fat, and lots of it. The problem isn't fat, it's where it is sourced. A cow that is fed a combination of grains to increase it's weight or dairy output will never come close to the health gains of grass-fed dairy. I can make these claims, as can the science behind the difference in nutrient content from dairy/meat to vegetables, but it doesn't really connect until you experience it. You have to go out and fucking do it.

Like I said, sort of sticking to the diet. I just bought Miss Vickies Kettle-cooked home-made eye-pleasing-design bag of Lime & (yes ampersand!) Black Pepper naturally flavoured, non-artificialized in any way chips, and lost total control of my bodily functions for about 5 minutes. I ate one, was incredibly displeased with the flavour but put another in my yap as the crunch was incredibly satisfying, and then another, and then 5 at once. Now what the fuck just happened?

I lost my capacity to make good decisions, and sought after a dopamine rush these crisps must target to survive the marketplace. As I was making this 10:59pm on a Sunday night decision in a store that closed at 11:00pm, I was thinking to myself "if they have used real black pepper to flavour these chips, what are the mold levels on the peppercorns, and how were they sourced" along with "I'm not going to feel great after making this decision, but I know once I've committed $4 I'm going to eat this bag in one sitting".

The truth is though, I became so disgusted with myself after eating half the bag of chips that I knew if I would eat the entire bag, I would be fucked mentally, or if you're sensitive to harsh language, fogged. Because I was doing something I was telling myself not to do. If I'm going to do things my mind is telling me not to do, there's not really a point in keeping it turned on. In fact, the more of these pleasantly crunchy potatoes I jam into my gullet, the more effectively I silence that inner voice.

Whether it comes to food decisions or prostitution, it will be more than a clean bill of health you sacrifice.

You can check out The Bulletproof Diet to not only begin on a fully-functioning mind and body, but begin down the rabbit hole to see how far it does go.

Sunday 6 September 2015

Activate Story Mode

Guide to activating story mode:

As long as you have some form of income, nourishment,  basic social interactions, and the general understanding of how to keep yourself alive, you will continue to live; excitement doesn't need to exceed level 1, unless you seek to be ambitious or aren't currently meeting your criteria for success.

I often feel my life consists of thousands of short stories loosely fitting in to a self-defined chaotic life. How can I compile all these stories into the one; what I would like to identify as life lived, living, and to be lived, by me?

There is one easy explanation for the chaos, being there isn't a method for organization. I would like to show how such a method can be implemented as soon as right now. That's right, no time is needed, because we won't be working with a normal scale of time. It will still be there, and you will see how others identify time, and most shockingly how your idea of time effects those around you abiding by the methods you once used.

Perhaps before implementing this new scale of time we must ease into it; how can we hold a change so drastic, something we have never been used to before? Let us break into this thing slowly. Get a taste, step outside of it, go back and get another taste, and decide for yourself whether or not it is for you.

Some initial steps will cover a vision, once which is truly understood will we experience free will. By free will I don't mean choosing which series you want to binge watch on netflix this weekend, or if you'll go to the gym, or take the long way home this time; this can be so easily defined and assumed by a simple mathematical understanding. Let us delve into a bit of geometry, starting off with:
(The names aren't really important; for some reason I thought intelligence meant you knew what a dodecahedron was.)

Triangle - 3 points where two lines meet with a  total of 3 lines.
Rectangle - 4 points, 4 sides all connected.
Stop sign - 8 points, 8 sides connected.
How I thought we understood the circle - 360 points, 360 sides connect.

As we keep increasing the numbers, the shape turns closer and closer into a circle.

Imagine your day to day activities; you may have 360 lines to follow, 360 points where you make a decision for each point. Let's just make it an average for the sake of this example. It may seem like a lot, or a little depending on how you a currently perceiving time. Considering you are sleeping 7 hours a night, this just one conscious decision on average every 3 minutes.

You may appear to be quite intoxicated to others if this is your reaction time on the road, so we can probably say a bit more attention need be paid while driving. Okay, maybe 360 conscious actions a day are rather small, but in all honesty most of our daily commutes don't require the attention of a F1 driver, and could be performed by the average zombie after enough practice.

What if we had conscious ability for every action taken? Let's say you're in a high intensity sport like MMA, and developed the ability for 4 conscious movements a second (How to measure this? just an example, bear with me), in a 5 minute match we have 1200 decisions, or a 1200 side and 1200 point shape. (that link was clearly misleading, but can you see how it ties in?)

Let's end the geometric analogy here with the circle: Consider we have a shape with 10^100 (Ten with 100 zeros) points and sides. If it fit on the average piece of paper, it would appear to us a perfect circle. Zooming in close enough we would find imperfections, and however time consuming it be, we would be able to count all of the sides. Galileo's description of the circle is "infinite sides, non-quantifiable and indivisible." This is the key to total free will. I could end this here; if this is understood it's practice can be implemented immediately.

If you can grip the power of the mind, you too can have story mode. There are a few problems that arise right away that have led some minds to madness, from the tendency to reject every attempted reaction and there not being an action to take it's place. To avoid many of these issues, a necessity to put in place is a vision. This will require something to aim for, but never to reach. In-between there will be many goals that will be accomplished, and many goals that will fail, but they will never stop coming up if your vision is bigger than you.

Now this vision can be anything. It can be unethical, it can be moral, it can be money oriented, but it must be bigger than you and infinite. Your life is not infinite as far as we know, but there is an infinite amount of space between 1 and 2. A quick proof of this is to take the sequence:
1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8...
where we continue to double the denominator. If we add these numbers together it creates this beautiful sequence:
1, 1 1/2, 1 3/4... 1 255/256...
Getting closer and closer to two, but never reaching it. NEVER. Holy fuck.

Now if you do have the time here is one of my favourite visions in the making before our very eyes. From a series of essays, we find one man's explanation of another man's vision. This series will take up a few hours, but is well worth the read if you want to join me in the adventure to infinity (there is no beyond Mr. Buzz Lightyear, you god damn moron.) If it was too long and you did not read, it's about Elon Musk from Tesla to Space X to colonizing Mars, and beyond.

I will cut this short here; if you would like to learn more on specific topics, please comment on what intrigues you; let's develop this together. There is no end. If not, there is still more to come, but you have the chance to act in hopes of making me react. This is the beginning of control!

Sunday 30 August 2015


Just incase it's too difficult to imagine my voice whilst reading:

Listen to this while reading

(Please ignore the garbage truck commentary, that's what I meant. It is so loud in my room it disrupts my mental patterns.)

I recorded this as I had the thought; this was catered for my ears only. These are some of my thoughts  and while listening to it before posting it for the outside observer, I added a few lines to follow while listening to make more sense of the rabble.

Ridho is a friend I met in Kathmandu from Australia, he is planning to go traveling again, back to Nepal. Why back to Nepal Ridho?

I mean "Without this conscious recognition"

I would walk back into my prison means I would think I needed to return to Alberta to survive.

Spoiler alert for Shawshank redemption. I just assume everyone has seen it.

It's obvious what he has escaped from because he knows he is in a prison.

A really good job that you don't like but you feel obligated to stay; this obligation applies to the rest of the examples.

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Collisions and Cold Calling

Just a quick update. I had a bicycle accident, and I annoy the hell out of people.


Wednesday 5 August 2015

Stuck in India

Okay, listen guys, it's really long because I just listened to it all. Almost two hours. Go be productive at the gym, or learn coding, or hula-hooping.


Sunday 26 July 2015

Je T'aime, Internet.

Blogging is like yelling into the abyss. I shout in a combination of pitches, and the louder I yell the farther the echoes travel; forever bouncing around among shouts on the internet. They are all free to float about, trollish or enlightening, in search of their similar pitch. The internet is a free society; working out it's kinks in it's young age, but already providing a clear picture of what a free society could be. To define this free society, let us appreciate:

Bitcoin: a way to define value, in a way that fiat currencies cannot. Bitcoin can be traded without having a central repository, and isn't controlled by a single administrator. It removes the high fees that come with using credit or debit, and will remain on a "gold standard", where they can be mined in annually halted increments, and then there will be no more that are created. They cannot be printed at will when the administrator needs more bitcoin, causing the value of everyone else's bitcoin to lower, because nobody is given this power! (Or claims it while backed by a military)

Bandcamp: a website where musicians can market themselves directly, not having to go by any standards of what a radio station will play, or what the average sheep is listening to, but it is freedom to create and market whatever your definition of music is, and to let the music appreciators decide if it's worth their buck. With the internet came hundreds of genres of music; I think the question of do you like rock, pop, hip-hop, country, or classical is long gone. Now you can befuddle your elders by answering Trap.

Education: accessible to anyone with an internet connection, you can load up on almost any of the worlds information. The next big step for this often free education would be learning how to structure that knowledge; knowing what to pay (value or time) for, and how to apply it in a way it fits altogether. Imagine if you wouldn't have to waste 18 years of your life going to mandatory government enforced schools, and you could be guided on a certain path you naturally excelled in! Would you need 18 years if it was all dedicated to what you wanted to learn?

Kickstarter: you've written a beautiful play and want to produce, or you've designed an emergency phone charger powered by a candle and some water, you can post it to this website, clearly stating why you need the funding, and people will judge if the world needs it with their dollars. You can scroll through a number of interesting projects, visible for all eyes to see. This could be easily applied to many projects, from a $10,000 to hire your actors to running an entire city. "We have created a citywide solar project that will significantly reduce the need for dirty power; if you would like to fund our production, as it would improve your life in x amount of ways, please vote with your dollars (or bitcoins)! At the moment it's not really so we don't get a choose what we fund, it's taken by force. What happens if you don't pay your taxes, and why isn't there an openness for where those funds are allocated?

Some days I think I should post something new even if I don't feel like it; this is whispering into the abyss, or perhaps talking as though words only need to reach across the street. I only try to yell. No inside voices allowed. What do you tune in for, or how did you find your way here? Maybe you were concerned about the dangers of hot coffee, or maybe as your car radio was on scan, a song came on you could rock out to (parked safely with your seatbelt on of course) and you check back to J92.9 for a new tune.

The night before catching the ferry on Manitoulin island, I cycled under a sky of well-lit fireballs, and with fireflies along the ditches until around midnight. (I was going to write flickering fireflies, but I suppose I wouldn't have noticed them otherwise). I found this great place to set up camp 15km from the ferry I planned to catch in the morning. At 7am, I looked about with squinted eyes and saw house, beside which stood an old man. He walked over to me as I frantically searched for pants, and with a smile, he mentioned if I arrived earlier, he would have let me sleep inside. I sure hope he's well, and sometimes wonder what it would be like if we were both lumberjacks.