Sunday, 20 September 2015

An Evening Crunch

I have been sticking to the bulletproof diet. Well sort of. This diet takes into consideration the sources of your food, removes foods we are highly sensitive to (did you think tomatoes were really healthy?), and destroys the old world view that fat is unhealthy. The view that fat makes you fat.

We NEED fat, and lots of it. The problem isn't fat, it's where it is sourced. A cow that is fed a combination of grains to increase it's weight or dairy output will never come close to the health gains of grass-fed dairy. I can make these claims, as can the science behind the difference in nutrient content from dairy/meat to vegetables, but it doesn't really connect until you experience it. You have to go out and fucking do it.

Like I said, sort of sticking to the diet. I just bought Miss Vickies Kettle-cooked home-made eye-pleasing-design bag of Lime & (yes ampersand!) Black Pepper naturally flavoured, non-artificialized in any way chips, and lost total control of my bodily functions for about 5 minutes. I ate one, was incredibly displeased with the flavour but put another in my yap as the crunch was incredibly satisfying, and then another, and then 5 at once. Now what the fuck just happened?

I lost my capacity to make good decisions, and sought after a dopamine rush these crisps must target to survive the marketplace. As I was making this 10:59pm on a Sunday night decision in a store that closed at 11:00pm, I was thinking to myself "if they have used real black pepper to flavour these chips, what are the mold levels on the peppercorns, and how were they sourced" along with "I'm not going to feel great after making this decision, but I know once I've committed $4 I'm going to eat this bag in one sitting".

The truth is though, I became so disgusted with myself after eating half the bag of chips that I knew if I would eat the entire bag, I would be fucked mentally, or if you're sensitive to harsh language, fogged. Because I was doing something I was telling myself not to do. If I'm going to do things my mind is telling me not to do, there's not really a point in keeping it turned on. In fact, the more of these pleasantly crunchy potatoes I jam into my gullet, the more effectively I silence that inner voice.

Whether it comes to food decisions or prostitution, it will be more than a clean bill of health you sacrifice.

You can check out The Bulletproof Diet to not only begin on a fully-functioning mind and body, but begin down the rabbit hole to see how far it does go.

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