Sunday, 26 July 2015

Je T'aime, Internet.

Blogging is like yelling into the abyss. I shout in a combination of pitches, and the louder I yell the farther the echoes travel; forever bouncing around among shouts on the internet. They are all free to float about, trollish or enlightening, in search of their similar pitch. The internet is a free society; working out it's kinks in it's young age, but already providing a clear picture of what a free society could be. To define this free society, let us appreciate:

Bitcoin: a way to define value, in a way that fiat currencies cannot. Bitcoin can be traded without having a central repository, and isn't controlled by a single administrator. It removes the high fees that come with using credit or debit, and will remain on a "gold standard", where they can be mined in annually halted increments, and then there will be no more that are created. They cannot be printed at will when the administrator needs more bitcoin, causing the value of everyone else's bitcoin to lower, because nobody is given this power! (Or claims it while backed by a military)

Bandcamp: a website where musicians can market themselves directly, not having to go by any standards of what a radio station will play, or what the average sheep is listening to, but it is freedom to create and market whatever your definition of music is, and to let the music appreciators decide if it's worth their buck. With the internet came hundreds of genres of music; I think the question of do you like rock, pop, hip-hop, country, or classical is long gone. Now you can befuddle your elders by answering Trap.

Education: accessible to anyone with an internet connection, you can load up on almost any of the worlds information. The next big step for this often free education would be learning how to structure that knowledge; knowing what to pay (value or time) for, and how to apply it in a way it fits altogether. Imagine if you wouldn't have to waste 18 years of your life going to mandatory government enforced schools, and you could be guided on a certain path you naturally excelled in! Would you need 18 years if it was all dedicated to what you wanted to learn?

Kickstarter: you've written a beautiful play and want to produce, or you've designed an emergency phone charger powered by a candle and some water, you can post it to this website, clearly stating why you need the funding, and people will judge if the world needs it with their dollars. You can scroll through a number of interesting projects, visible for all eyes to see. This could be easily applied to many projects, from a $10,000 to hire your actors to running an entire city. "We have created a citywide solar project that will significantly reduce the need for dirty power; if you would like to fund our production, as it would improve your life in x amount of ways, please vote with your dollars (or bitcoins)! At the moment it's not really so we don't get a choose what we fund, it's taken by force. What happens if you don't pay your taxes, and why isn't there an openness for where those funds are allocated?

Some days I think I should post something new even if I don't feel like it; this is whispering into the abyss, or perhaps talking as though words only need to reach across the street. I only try to yell. No inside voices allowed. What do you tune in for, or how did you find your way here? Maybe you were concerned about the dangers of hot coffee, or maybe as your car radio was on scan, a song came on you could rock out to (parked safely with your seatbelt on of course) and you check back to J92.9 for a new tune.

The night before catching the ferry on Manitoulin island, I cycled under a sky of well-lit fireballs, and with fireflies along the ditches until around midnight. (I was going to write flickering fireflies, but I suppose I wouldn't have noticed them otherwise). I found this great place to set up camp 15km from the ferry I planned to catch in the morning. At 7am, I looked about with squinted eyes and saw house, beside which stood an old man. He walked over to me as I frantically searched for pants, and with a smile, he mentioned if I arrived earlier, he would have let me sleep inside. I sure hope he's well, and sometimes wonder what it would be like if we were both lumberjacks.

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